Category Archives: Religious One Liners

God you are my life, i give you thanks for all you have done for me and God Bless all my friends..

I don’t have a God I can hold in the palm of my hand, I have a God that’s holding me!

The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you

Go ahead and write down your plans…But do it in pencil, and be sure to give God the eraser.

Look all around you. God’s in front of you, beside you, behind you, and above you.

Everyday there are stones in life, but at the end, God will turn them into gems and set them in a gold crown.

A human can not do without God. When you are thirsty, you drink water. The same is here you just can not do without God

God rules the universe, and we are given the power to control our own lives

During bad times, God gave you knees to pray on and a bible to lean on. Jesus saves