Change in your culture enriches your culture
I swear not to swear at anybody
A good carpet fits better on good tiles. (proverb)
We are a nation of vowels and consonants voices
Still, a fruitless tree has a shadow
Winter beautifies cheeks.
I am not nothing to worship nothing.
It is not the life that is complex, it is the people around us who make it complex.
What keeps us back from trying, is the fear of falling.
To rise above in life , we need to fall first.
Expectations are half-truth, that we rely on to live our whole life.
The problem is not the aircraft; it is the parachute.
If life is a stage, play the protagonist.
Play up anger , but don’t be a good actor.
The best infertility is of sadness.
Wedding is wonderful. I wish marriage is so.
It is not a surprise to be surprised.
Not only April’s ; all months have worse fools.
Friendships that can’t stand the rise of one and fall of the other, are not meant to be.
We have the power to dimnish the gap between the real self and the ideal self, rather than the people around us.