Category Archives: Earth Day One Liners

If you will do what God tells you to do, there’s no person on Earth and no devil in Hell that can keep you from having what God wants you… Read more »

I am a soul. I know well that what I shall render up to the grave is not myself. That which is myself will go elsewhere. Earth, thou art not… Read more »

Everything for me is sacred, beginning with earth, but also going to things made by man.

The senses are of the earth, the reason stands apart from them in contemplation.

Two out of every five people on Earth today owe their lives to the higher crop outputs that fertilizer has made possible.

Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself.

‘Bloom’ is basically the idea that all flesh is grass, and that we can look at natural plant growth and organic material as outgrowths of the Earth.

Actually, Sydney is my second favorite city on earth, I love Sydney, but this is the greatest.

If we could make our house a home, and then make it a sanctuary, I think we could truly find paradise on Earth.

All managers are losers, they are the most expendable pieces of furniture on the face of the Earth.

The only wealth in this world is children, more than all the money, power on earth.

No money on earth can buy the love and affection that has been given to me by a grateful nation.

If you think the ocean isn’t important, imagine Earth without it. Mars comes to mind. No ocean, no life support system.

Women love always: when earth slips from them, they take refuge in heaven.

Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun.

Each man is always in the middle of the surface of the earth and under the zenith of his own hemisphere, and over the centre of the earth.