Category Archives: Diet One Liners

“The fact that salt is a powerful emetic as well as a potent laxative should convince the most skeptical that it is not meant to form an important part of… Read more »

If they were that essential, wouldn’t the body finding a way of synthesizing them? They are, however, essential for their presence in food.”

“Did you know that the term ‘essential amino acids’ is somewhat of a misnomer?!

“7 hour sleep diet worked great. Will power held beautifully.”

“You can actually eat yourself into a better mood and get rid of depressive thoughts and melancholy.”

“While your ego is always trying to figure out its place in the world, your true self knows that your place is always right here, right now.”

“My Body Wants to Crave Healthy. I Just Need to Give it the Opportunity.”

“We may not be able to control life’s circumstances, but we always have a choice about how we use our minds to respond to them.”

“You can become just as hooked on sugar as on drugs, tobacco or alcohol. The sugar affects the same areas in your brain.”

“I don’t diet and exercise. I eat and train.”

“Eating more consciously now feels like a way of being. I actually think about how my food got to my plate.”

“He settles back with a small handful of cashews; dry-roasted, they have a little acid sting to them, the tang of poison that he likes.”

“We are all warned to read labels. The salutary truth is that we shouldn’t be eating anything that has a label on it!”

“When I began a diet a week before my stroke, I never dreamed of such a dramatic result.”

“Pizza tastes better than broccoli and opinion tastes better than news.”

“Your kisses are like miracle fruit that sweetens my life without ruining my diet.”

“Your current body is the only body that can take you to your new body—so be kind to it.”